Penggunaan Portal Informasi Sekolah Pada SMK Mandiri Pontianak

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Susanti Margaretha Kuway


How to use information media currently into two things that are positive and negative. When the information media is used by users in a positive direction it will provide added value to others. School students are millennials who are filled with positive thoughts if given a clear direction. The information web portal can be utilized by SMK Mandiri as a vehicle for students and teachers in the quality of learning. Web information portal can also improve the quality of students, by making it a place to channel talent and become a means of information for students so that SMK Mandiri Pontianak will be widely known by the community not only in the school environment but also outside the school environment. In making a web portal information must pay attention to several things, namely choosing a domain name, choosing a server spec, choosing an engine, choosing a theme, a good security system, content on the web and photos in the information portal must provide original information. The location of community service activities is Pontianak Independent Vocational School, located in East Pontianak and attended by 24 school residents. Submission of material will be done interactively. The purpose of PkM is to assist schools in promoting schools so that the following year there will be an increase in the admission of new students, this benefit is also expected to be felt by the community so that the need for the availability of skilled workers and work ready through vocational education is increasingly available and of high quality.


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