Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Di Bimbel Salsabila Donohudan Boyolali

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Sri Widiyanti Dyah Rosna


Interactive learning media based on information and communication technology (ICT), in this case Microsoft Power Point, has been widely used in the learning process as a form of interactive learning media development and can attract interest, attention and motivation to learn for students. One of the obstacles is the lack of mastery of the development or innovation of making ICT-based learning by the tentors in Salsabila tutoring (Bimbel). Therefore we need an activity to improve the professional quality and creativity of the tentor in developing learning in Salsabilalessons, this is to face more and more tutoring competition. The learning methods used in this activity are presentations or outreach, demonstrations and practice of making instructional media using Microsoft Office Power Point. There are also stages of the implementation phase, namely preparation, training, assignment of project creation for the tentor to create a learning media, review, value grading, and reflection on activities. The results of the participants' creativity and at the end of the activity the participants will be given an evaluation of the results of the evaluation of the material and participant responses to the usefulness of the activity. Based on observations, that the tentors on average have a very good ability, from the assessment the results are 90% able to base power point material, the results of creativity and innovation are still 50%. From this activity the participants can benefit in the form of knowledge about program operationalization and develop tentative creativity in creating media development designs as teaching material.


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