Membangun Sistem Informasi Sekolah Berbasis Website Untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Pada SDN Puren

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Sumarni Adi Akhmad Miftah Riyadhi Heri Sismoro


Condongcatur is a village in Sleman Regency, DIY Province. In terms of service to students and guardian parents, schools in this village are competing to improve services by continuing to make breakthroughs to improve service. The Puren Public Elementary School is no exception. The better the services provided, the more people will trust the school. This poses a dilemma for Puren Public Elementary School, because it has limited human resources to think about and make new breakthroughs to improve services to students and guardians. This is because teachers also have to teach and prepare curricula, while the number of teachers and staff at SDN puren is only nineteen people, with a total of 210 students. So that new breakthroughs to improve services are just ideas that cannot be carried out.By utilizing technology, services can be improved even though the number of human resources is limited. Based on that, YuliTriyanto, S.Pd, as the person in charge of the daily assignment of Puren State Elementary School felt the need to create a school information system that was easily accessible to students and guardians. Where the system is able to bridge the communication between the Puren State Elementary School with the community.The output of this activity is the school information system, in the form of a website for Puren Public Elementary School. The final results of this activity can generally improve the services of Puren Public Elementary School


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