Pelatihan Pengenalan Microsoft Office 2010 Untuk Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Dan Staf Administrasi SDN 170 Palembang

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Surahmat Surahmat Fahmi Ajismanto Eka Hartati


 Microsoft office is a computer program used in office. This application is very widely used, especially by offices, business people, educators and students. Some office applications commonly used include word, excel, and power point. Based on interviews with Sri Kusniarwati, S.Pd., M.Sc. as the Principal of SDN 170 Palembang, it is known that teachers and administrative staff at SDN 170 have difficulty in using this office application, be it word, excel or power point because their ability to use computers or software related to school needs is still lacking, so training records are needed . This introduction to Microsoft Office 2010 training aims to improve the ability of teachers and administrative staff from SDN 170 and can provide additional skills that they can use not only for school needs but also as a means of developing their ability to complete their other tasks in the environment community and family. The method of implementation carried out in this activity is through several stages, namely the Preparation Stages, the Stages of the Implementation of Training Activities, and the Stages of Evaluation and Report Preparation. The results obtained from these community service activities are an increase in terms of competence from teachers and staff of Elementary School 170 Palembang


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